Friday, October 5, 2007

Belief Is A Choice

People are constantly showing us who they are, but we insist on listening to who they say they are. That is backwards.

I tend to see very quickly what people are about, by watching their actions and listening to their words. (I can't judge or speak for how they may behave towards other people in their life; however, I know what it is that I will accept from people and what I will not.) Everyone can be whomever they choose to be nice to. Serial killers know how to be kind. The biggest asshole has at least one friend. Very few people have absolutely no friends. I don't care how nice you are to everyone else, if you're an asshole towards me, then I can only speak for how you treat me.

Again, people show who they are time and time again. I like to pretend I am stupid in order to see if their behaviors are habitual. If I notice more than twice/thrice, I'm out. No questions asked.

Stop excusing people for their actions. Stop choosing to believe them when they say they're great, while simultaneously treating you like crap. That is backwards. That is your fault. You can sit there all day and complain that people were not being honest with you, but in reality, you were not being honest with yourself.

Communication is not ONLY verbal. HELLO!!!!!!! People communicate with their actions as well. If the person was showing you, with their actions, signs and clues as to who they were, then they were NOT lying.

Someone who cares about you will not excuse their behavior. Someone who is selfish will excuse their behavior and mask it with WORDS and statements of INTENTIONS TO DO GOOD.

Belief, in anything, is always a choice.

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